Saturday, November 9, 2013

Big Sur Photography Workshop January 16th-19th 2014 (8 participants only)

Big Sur brings nothing but smiles to anyone who has paid a visit. This rugged coastline and its open spaces are astounding. Its leading edge cliffs plunge deep into the blue pacific.
Big Sur photography workshops ©markjansen
               "Big Sur or Bust"  ©MarkJansen
Rocky sea stacks and waterscapes abound. Majestic redwood forests flourish near its coast with cascading waterways flowing deep within. Incredible skies and thin misty fog roll over this coastal mountain range. The redwood forests are carpeted with clover wild flowers this time of year.

This workshop is geared towards all photographic enthusiasts. Our team of two highly experienced professional landscape photographers will show you how to get that amazing landscape shot from the perfect location, when the light is optimal in this region.  There's nothing like that feeling of knowing you've got that trophy shot!  Topics covered will include camera positioning, set up, tripod techniques, exposure, composition, and everything you need to take your landscape photography to a higher level.  Post processing techniques will also be discussed.  Link here for special details:

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